Assessing Adopting Emerging Digital Technologies in Developing Country Medical: A (Push-Pull-Mooring Model) Framework
Ahmed Abdullah Mohammed Al-weead, Sami Abdulmajeed Mohamd, Talib Ghani Jasim
South Asian Res J Eng Tech | Pages : 17-32
The current study aims to identify adopting Emerging Digital Technologies in developing country Medical. Was model study the, goal this achieve to order in designed starting from the factors influencing the adoption of the emerging digital technologies, up to the intention to adopting Emerging Digital Technologies in developing country Medical, based on the theory that supports technology represented by of adoption the (Push-Pull-Mooring Model) PPM, as according to extracted were factors influencing the that theory represented by the variable of push effects, which included dimensions of (low flexibility, limited scalability, low compatibility, and dissatisfaction). As for the variable of attraction effects, it included dimensions of (low cost, ease of maintenance, attractive alternatives, and expected value). As for the effects of awarding, it included two dimensions (expected risks, inertia), and the variable of behavioral intent to adopt emerging digital technologies., which the on relied study, the reached is that result a represents the and, implementation its for method survey analytical for tool a as studies previous on based designed was questionnaire data collection, as it was disseminated online. There were (203) responders out of the entire study population (575) individuals, and fourteen hypotheses emerged from the study model. The data was analyzed using the (SPSS) (AMOS) program to describe the variables of the study and test its hypotheses statistical the method modeling equations structural the using a significant effect of is there that showed results to the results of the study, the push effects represented by (low flexibility, limited scalability, and low compatibility), have a significant effect on dissatisfaction with the adoption of emerging digital technologies, and that low compatibility has a major impact on the behavioral intend to adopt emerging digital technologies. That the effects of attraction (low cost, ease of maintenance, and attractive alternatives) significantly affect the expected value of adopting emerging digital technologies. Researcher suggested the need to pay attention to adopting emerging digital technologies through the implementation of more studies, to define what emerging digital technologies are and to encourage people and companies to embrace these technologies, highlight their significance and the advantages they offer emerging digital technologies in their organizations.