Hyeonhi Regina Park, K. Daegon Andrea Kim, Jiah Anna Kim, Sangmin Lee, Rosa Kim, Alain Hamon, Sohwa Therese Kim, Sangdeog Augustin Kim8
South Asian Res J Human Soc Sci | Pages : 9-12
DOI : https://doi.org/10.36346/sarjhss.2025.v07i01.004
French Missionary Dallet (1874) described the difference in his book between the Chinese culture and Korean culture. In his book (Dallet, 1874) ‘the thousand character essay’ was introduced. In Korea, this book was called as Tcheonzamun (Han, 1583). Koreans and Chinese people commonly used Chinese characters. But the grammar between these two countries was different. Therefore, the translation is quite different between on Korean language and on Chinese language. The method of the present work is on the basis of the meaning of Chinese character of Tcheonzamun (Park et al., 2021). If we note that the order of the four Chinese character were (A B) → (C D) in Chinese grammar. The translating order for this Tcheonzamun poem is (D C) → (B A) in Korean grammar. Therefore, the meaning becomes different between the two methods (between Chinese and Korean versions). This work concerns the translation of the Tcheonzamun poem (Tcheonzamun 161st-176th)’. The title of this study is ‘My husband! You must become confidential with me (your wife)! (Tcheonzamun 161st-176th)’. The theme of this research is as follows. 173-176 得(Deug) 能(Neung) 莫(Mag) 忘(Mang). My husband! Please do not (莫) forget (忘) the fact! Then, you can (能) do the thing practically (得). This is the explanation of ‘be talent (才)’ of the second line. In this sentence, the order of translation is same to Korean grammar.
Hyeonhi Regina Park, K. Daegon Andrea Kim, Jiah Anna Kim, Sangmin Lee, Rosa Kim, Alain Hamon, Sohwa Therese Kim, Sangdeog Augustin Kim
South Asian Res J Human Soc Sci | Pages : 6-8
DOI : https://doi.org/10.36346/sarjhss.2025.v07i01.003
French Missionary Dallet (1874) wrote in his book that Tcheonzamun (in English, it is called as ‘the thousand character essay’) was used both in the ancient China and in Korea as the textbook for the Chinese character learning for the children. Han (1583) described that Tcheonzamun had been created by the Chinese. However, several researchers suggested that this masterpiece of East Asia had been established by Korean-language speaking people (Park et al., 2021; Kim, 2023). This is the translation of Tcheonzamun poem (Tcheonzamun 129th-144th). It is called in English as ‘the thousand character essay’. The title of this study is ‘My Lord! Heonhi rescued me from the death! (Tcheonzamun 129th-144th)’. The theme of this research is as follows. 141-144 賴(Loe)及(Geub)萬(Man)方(Bang). Me, Augustin, now can tell (方) my neighbors (萬) with positive attitude. It is because I owe (及) so many people (賴). They helped me so much. And I thank those benefactors. “Thank you so much !”.
South Asian Res J Human Soc Sci | Pages : 3-5
DOI : https://doi.org/10.36346/sarjhss.2025.v07i01.002
French Missionary Dallet (1874) introduced the thousand character essay to the Western World. The thousand character essay is called in Korea as Tcheonzamun (Han, 1583). There is a common translation for Tcheonzamun (Han, 1583). Park et al., (2021) and Kim (2023) suggested that the main subject of Tcheonzamun is ‘Love between the husband and the wife’. The present work is done on the love among the wife and the husband. It is very extraordinary to translate Tcheonzamun poem on Korean pronunciation. However, this fact suggests that Tcheonzamun was written by the people who spoke Korean language. The present work is done through Korean pronunciation of Chinese characters (Kim, 2023). The range of this poem is (Tcheonzamun 033rd-048th). The title of this study is ‘My husband! Please come (O-shu!) to me now (Keum-sae)! I will give you the power! (Tcheonzamun 033rd-048th).’ The theme of this research is as follows. 041-044 金(Keum) 生(Saeng) 麗(Yeo) 水(Su). 금새 오슈! Keum-sae O-shu! My husband! Please come (O-shu!) to me now (Keum-sae)! I will give you the power!
South Asian Res J Human Soc Sci | Pages : 1-2
DOI : https://doi.org/10.36346/sarjhss.2025.v07i01.001
French missionary Dallet (1874) introduced ‘The thousand character essay’ in his book, and he wrote that ‘The thousand character essay was utilized as the textbook for the Chinese children. It was for those Chinese children in order to teach the Chinese characters. `It is called as ‘Tcheonzamun’ in Korea. Park et al., (2021a; 2021b) considered that 16 Chinese characters in Tcheonzamun compose a poem. If this masterpiece (Tcheonzamun) was created by Chinese people, it is strange that Tcheonzamun (The thousand character essay) poem is translated on Korean grammar (Park et al., 2021a). This translation suggested that Tcheonzamun was created by the people who used the Korean language as their mother tongue. The present researcher used the somewhat old one of ‘the thousand character essay (Tcheonzamun)’ book (Han, 1583). The range of this poem is (Tcheonzamun 545th-560th). And the translation is carried out through the meaning of Chinese character of Tcheonzamun (Park et al., 2021a). The title of this article is ‘Thank you, Father Xavier Ha, you have celebrated the nuptial Mass for us, Hyeohi and Augustin! (Tcheonzamun 545th-560th)’. <Number in Tcheonzamun Chinese character (Pronunciation in Korean). The meaning of this line of the poem>. 545-548 桓(Hwan) 公(Gong) 匡(Kwang) 合(Hap). When the people (合) everywhere see me, they might accept that I am right (匡). And everyone (公) might admit that I have the strong power (桓). If these favorable conditions are satisfied, all is well? But the great writer of Tcheonzamun says to us “It is not such a thing.” And then, what shall we do? 549-552 濟(Ze) 弱(Yag) 扶(Bu) 傾(Gyeong). When a person is in a bad condition (傾), you must give your hands to the person in order to help him or her (扶). And for a person who has the danger of death (弱), you must help the person in order to recover himself or herself from such a serious condition (濟). 553-556 綺(Ki) 回(Hoe) 漢(Han) 惠(Hye). You have received a lot of (漢) aids and love (惠) from other people, how can you return (回) the benediction to others in such a short time (綺) of your life? 557-560 說(Seol) 感(Gam) 武(Mu) 丁(Zeong). I (丁) am young until now, and I have power for the work. I will express my thanks (感) to the persons who have done favorable things for me. My characteristics are not soft for my family (武). If my characteristics can be changed with the grace of My Lord Jesus, it is truly obtained the good thing (說)!
South Asian Res J Human Soc Sci | Pages : 307-315
DOI : https://doi.org/10.36346/sarjhss.2024.v06i06.014
Patriotism is an ethical requirement, political principle and legal norm regulating the relationship between individuals and the Fatherland, and is also the core of the national spirit. Students are the future of the Fatherland, the force that continues the cause of building socialism. In the context of globalization, and international integration, especially in the context of the information explosion on social networks, patriotism education for students is closely related to the success or failure of the cause of building and developing the country. This study aims to highlight the necessity, basic contents and forms of patriotism education for students according to dialectical materialism in the context of globalization, international integration and information explosion. Qualitative methods and semi-structured interviews with 10 people (05 managers - CBQL and 05 Lectures - GV) were conducted to redefine the research content and have a basis for making appropriate assessments. The research results show that dialectical materialism has helped the education of patriotism for students to be carried out consistently, helping to explore the diversity in content and teaching methods, and at the same time, it is the basis for universities to constantly innovate content and teaching methods in response to the requirements of globalization and international integration as it is today. Discussing and proposing solutions will help patriotism education activities achieve good results in the future.
South Asian Res J Human Soc Sci | Pages : 304-306
DOI : https://doi.org/10.36346/sarjhss.2024.v06i06.013
French missionary Dallet (1874) wrote that the thousand character essay (Tcheonzamun) was utilized as textbook for Chinese character for old Chinese people. But Dallet (1874) described that there are many differences between Chinese people and Korean people. It is strange that the present researcher can translate ‘the thousand character essay’ (It is called Tcheonzamun in Korea) through Korean pronunciation. It might be reasonable to translate Tcheonzamun on the meaning of Chinese character (Park et al., 2021a). But the translation of ‘The thousand character essay (Tcheonzamun)’ through Korean pronunciation, it is non-sense! Because it is absolutely considered that Tcheonzamun was written by Chinese people. Don’t you think so for ‘The thousand character essay’, the readers of this study? The fact that Tcheonzamun was translated through Korean pronunciation, it seemed to be absurd. But the translation of Tcheonzamn was carried out through Korean pronunciation (Park et al., 2021b). Therefore, Tcheonzamun might be created by old Korean, the Maeg people. And the suggestion that Tcheonzamun had been created by Chinese people, this viewpoint must be changed. How long does it continue, the language? How much does the language have effect or power for the people? Here, and from now on possibly up to 3000 years ago, the present researcher tries to trace them, the language and the people. This work is too vague to trace them, the people and the language. But this work might be the first step in order to know the concrete ‘history’, even though it is too vague now. There are two translating methods for ‘The thousand character essay (It is called as Tcheonzamun in Korea)’. The first one is through the meaning of Chinese character of Tcheonzamun (Park et al., 2021a), and the second is through Korean pronunciation of Chinese character for the Chinese characters of Tcheonzamun poem (Park et al., 2021b). In the present study, it was called Tcheonzamun poem. The poem was composed of 16 Chinese character. The range of this poem was (Tcheonzamun 081st-096th). Somewhat old book was used written by Han (1583) for the present study. The title of this work is ‘My lovely wife! Please say to me! Even though when it is too hot (Deo-u-e), but your clothes is too thick (Du-teo-weo) for the climate (Tcheonzamun 081st-096th)’. The results obtained are described as follows. <Number in Tcheonzamun Chinese characters (the pronunciation on Korean language and written in English alphabet) Modified phrase through Korean pronunciation shown in Korean alphabet Modified phrase through Korean pronunciation shown in English alphabet> 081-084 始(Si) 制(Ze) 文(Mun) 字(Za). 싫제? 뭔지! Sil-ze? Mweon-zi! My lovely wife! You do not like (Sil-ze) this? What is that (Mweon-zi)? 085-088 乃(Nae) 服(Bog) 衣(Eui) 裳(Sang). 내보이세! Nae Bo-i-se! My dear wife! Let’s talk each other the inner state (Nae Bo-i-se) of us! 089-092 推(Tchu) 位(Wi) 讓(Yang) 國(Gug). 추위에 얇고 Tchu-wi-e Yab-go My dear lovely wife! Let’s talk each other! For example, even though when it is very cold (Tchu-wi-e), but your clothes are too thin (Yab-go) for the climate! 093-096 有(Yu) 虞(U) 陶(Do) 唐(Dang). 더위에 두터워 Deo-u-e Du-teo-weo. My lovely wife! Please say to me! Even though when it is too hot (Deo-u-e), but your clothes is too thick (Du-teo-weo) for the climate.
Hyeonhi Regina Park, K. DaegonAndrea Kim, Jiah Anna Kim, Sangmin Lee, Rosa Kim, Alain Hamon, Sohwa Therese Kim, Sangdeog Augustin Kim
South Asian Res J Human Soc Sci | Pages : 288-291
DOI : https://doi.org/10.36346/sarjhss.2024.v06i06.009
French Missionary Dallet (1874) introduced Tcheonzamun (in English it is called as ‘The thousand character essay’). In Korea, it is firmly believed that Tcheonzamun is written by Chinese people (Han, 1583). However, several researchers found that Tcheonzamun can be translated through Korean pronunciation (Kim, 2023) and on the basis of the meaning of Chinese character on Tcheonzamun (Park et al., 2021). In this work, the researchers tried to translate on Korean grammar method (Park et al., 2021). In this study, Tcheonzamun poem was translated on the meaning of Chinese characters on Tcheonzamun (Park et al., 2021). The Chinese grammar is on the following order; B A D C. But Korean grammar is D C B A (Park et al., 2021) for the translation of Chinese character ABCD. The researchers tried to translate on the method of Korean grammar (Park et al., 2021). This study concerns (Tcheonzamun113th-128th). The title of this study is ‘Thank you very much for your vital advice for me, Suora Anna-Maria! (Tcheonzamun 113th-128th)’. The theme of this research is as follows. 121-124 遐(Ha) 邇(i) 壹(il) 體(Tche). My husband! Even though the distance is far (遐) from here or near (邇), it does not matter. My husband! The body (體) is one (壹), when the two persons have the close and intimate relationship.
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