Abbas Abed Sharhan, Ahmed Neema AL-Mussawy, Rawaa S. A. AL-Azawi, Hamzah H. Kzar
South Asian Res J Pharm Sci | Pages : 186-191
DOI : 10.36346/sarjps.2023.v05i05.001
Breast cancer (BC) is developing from cells of breast tissue and is caused by the presence of malignant cells, which are characterized by uncontrolled cell division, leading to abnormal growth (in situ carcinoma), and their ability to invade normal tissue locally. BC's diagnosis and treatment strategies have recently improved, but the incidence rates continue to increase. Worldwide, BC is the most common cancer in women. The aim of this study is to combine histological, classification, and risk factors in a small review for easy searching by clinical researchers. Currently, there are many studies on BC in Iraq or in other regions of the world. Therefore, combining these studies in one work may give an advantage in the clinical trials of BC. In conclusion, BC is the first of the ten top cancers in Iraqi women up to 2018.
Omar Ali Tawfiq, Nihad N. Hilal, Abdulhadi Mohamed Jumaa
South Asian Res J Pharm Sci | Pages : 192-195
DOI : 10.36346/sarjps.2023.v05i05.002
The current study is a case-control study conducted in Baghdad city between 1st of January to the end of, 2023. The study focused on patients admitted to the Coronary Care Unit of Ibn Al Nafees Hospital and Ibn Al Bitar Hospital in Baghdad. And Alyarmok Hospital in Baghdad. The study included 60 Iraqi patients with coronary heart disease, ranging in age from 37 to 66 years. A control group of 30 apparently healthy individuals (15 men and 15 women) was included in the study. The control group was matched with the patients in terms of gender and age to improve the accuracy of the results. Blood samples were collected from both patients and control individuals after 12 hours of fasting. Biochemical colorimetric methods by spectrophotometer were used to determine total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and Immunofluorescence technique by Afias was used to determine triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4), and TSH levels and HbA1C levels in the blood. The study analyzed the demographic characteristics of patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD) and the control group, including age groups, sex distribution, and BMI. The majority of IHD patients were non-smokers, with 26.67% being smokers and the majority being non-smokers. The majority of IHD patients had hypertension, while 58.33% had diabetes. The cholesterol levels in IHD patients were significantly higher than the control group, with a p-value of 0.001. The triglyceride levels were also significantly elevated in IHD patients, with a p-value of 0.001. LDL-c levels were significantly elevated in IHD patients, while very low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDLc) levels were significantly elevated in IHD patients. IHD patients had significantly higher T3 levels (1.701 ± 1.21) than the control group (0.87 ± 0.16), suggesting potential differences. T4 levels were also significantly higher in IHD patients with thyroid dysfunction (106.7 ±86.5) compared to the control group (78.5 ±13.65). On the other hand, TSH levels did not show a significant difference between IHD patients with thyroid dysfunction (3.29 ± 2.55) and the control group (3.18 ±2.078). The study found no significant differences in thyroid function parameters among the different age groups of individuals with hypothyroidism. The mean T3 level in the 40-49 age group was 0.49±0.02, the mean T4 level was 43.5±0.7, and the mean TSH level was 4.88±0.38. For the 50-59 age group, the mean T3 level was 0.36±0.17, the mean T4 level was 44.6±0.54, and the mean TSH level was 5.41±1.07. In the >59 age group, the mean T3 level was 0.51±0.03, the mean T4 level was 45.8±6.9, and the mean TSH level was 5.24±0.66. The study showed that hypothyroidism IHD patients tend to be associated with higher levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL-c, and VLDL-c. The highest prevalence of hyperthyroidism among individuals with hypertension was 72.73%, while the highest spread was seen in hypothyroidism among individuals with diabetes. The highest mean value for HbA1c was observed in patients with hypothyroidism (6.99±0.82%), followed by patients with hyperthyroidism (6.46±0.51), and the lowest mean value was seen in patients with normal thyroid function (4.36±0.56%). These differences in mean HbA1c levels among the three groups are statistically significant, as indicated by the p-value: of 0.017.
Zaid Naji Hassan, Nassreen N. Mzhr, Maan Abdul Azeez Shafeeq
South Asian Res J Pharm Sci | Pages : 196-205
DOI : 10.36346/sarjps.2023.v05i05.003
Co-evolved is the mostly passable opinion for the development of insect-harbor-cultivate connections, whilst, it enable be offered that its essential prelude are unsuitable: (1) generality Plant-eating insects have highly minimum inhabitance intensities comparison to the bio conglomerate of their harbor cultivates , subsequently, they ability seldom be significant chosen agents for the vegetative; (2) insect- harbor-cultivate reactions are not indispensable hostile: monoeater- and oligoeater insects, whether their count is obviously elevated, may perfect organize the multitude of their harbor cultivates (reciprocal usefulness); Therefore, (3) durability to insects is not a comprehensive needful in vegetation and it Not possible clarify the existence of subaltern vegetation materials; (4) equivalent development pathways of vegetations and insects which must outcome from co development reactions are scarce, whereas numerous intimately concerning insects nourish on Vegetarian highly Away vegetation Varieties - a connection which not possible be concerning to co- development. So, the opinion of successive development is suggested: the development of blossom vegetations encouraged via chosen agents (e.g., environment, ground, vegetation- vegetation, reactions etc.), which are numerous extra powerful than insect offensives originate the biochemically varied dietary rule for the development of Plant-eating insects, whereas the last do not Significantly impact the development of vegetations.
South Asian Res J Pharm Sci | Pages : 206-212
DOI : 10.36346/sarjps.2023.v05i05.004
Background: Licorice's scientific name is Glycyrrhiza glabra. It is a well-known medicinal plant that grows in numerous locations throughout the world. It is one of the most ancient and widely utilised plants and has been used for a very long period in both western and eastern nations. The primary source of the triterpenoid saponin, glycyrrhizic acid (also known as glycyrrhizin), which is a sweeter component and around 50 times sweeter than sugar, was the Glycyrrhiza glabra (Fabaceae) root. Glycyrrhetinic acid has been found as the chemical constituent of glycyrrhizin. Aim: The current work sought to elucidate the molecular basis for glycyrrhizin's antiproliferative activity against the COX-2 enzyme, which functions as a proinflammatory factor in proliferation. Method: A molecular docking method was employed in the current work to look for COX 2 protein inhibitors. The binding was determined by the Auto Dock software utilising a grid-based docking method. Compounds' 2D structures were constructed using the Merck Molecular Force Field, converted to 3D, and then energetically reduced up to an arms gradient of 0.01. (MMFF). Results: The molecular docking result revealed that glycyrrhizin showed encouraging docking score. The docking score found to be -7.7 kcal mol–1. Conclusion: The interaction of ligand hits to targeted site and docking score finding it can be predicted that glycyrrhizin found in the plants G.glabra exhibited good inhibitor of COX 2 protein inhibitors.
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